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Sometimes I feel like there is more then one person living in my head!

Writer's picture: Meg HeppnerMeg Heppner

Updated: Nov 18, 2019

Sometimes I feel like I have multiple personalities.

What I want to do and what I actually do seem to be so totally opposite!

Maybe you can relate?

Have you ever said yes when you really wanted to say no?

Or promised yourself you would do it differently, but still find yourself having the same type of experiences over and over again?

Or looked at your life and not really understood how you ended up where you are? And why it isn't easier?

If you are anything like me you desire change, growth and progress, but instead you find yourself throwing your hands up in the air, ready to give up because you don't know what to do!

Friend, I feel you!

Did you know that 95% of what we do in our day to day life is controlled by our subconscious?

Think about that for a moment!

That means for a massive amount of time we don't even know that it's our subconscious that is running the show and that is influencing our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

No wonder sometimes we look at our lives and ask, "How did this happen?"

On of the most important steps you can make towards authenticity, growth, and transformation is being able to bring what is in the subconscious into the conscious.

Another word for this is AWARENESS.

Awareness is getting to know the parts of ourselves and our life that normally remain hidden from us!

It's bringing our thoughts and words to the surface so that we can look at them up close and create the world we want to live in instead of living a life of jumbled reactions.

It's about connecting with our bodies so that we can actually feel and therefore process the experiences we are going through.

So how can you create awareness?

Well, awareness can be found in a triad.

By bringing your mind to focus around three things you can gain insight, clarity, and the energy to transform how you experience your life!

So are you ready?


The first thing to focus on when you want to increase your is the WORDS you habitually use.

What words do you say often? Even if if't just "in your head"?

If your words are:







You will have a totally different experience than if your words are:







Words we habitually use create our experiences.

That is why two people can go to the same event and have two completely different reactions.

One says it was eye opening, the other describes it as a waste of time.

Which would you rather pick?

Words also build our thoughts which takes us to the second thing to focus on...

Word form THOUGHTS and they get played on repeat all day long.

Some thoughts can be so dangerous and cause us to live in unnecessary pain.

Some common ones are:

"This is so stupid" or "I'm so stupid"

"Why do they always do this to me?"

"I just can't take this"

If you continually ask yourself these questions subconsciously your mind will try to answer you and it will trap you in a life that keeps those thoughts going.

The other important thing about words and thoughts is that they may start in our mind and subconscious, but eventually they slip out!

And they can have the potential to devastate our relationships with others.

No matter how long we think we can fake it, eventually who we are comes out of our mouth!

And we can all think of times when something slipped out before we could stop it, or we made a joke with a cruel tinge to it and we cause hurt to the people we say we love the most!

The third focus is your BODY!

We carry all of our life experiences in our body.

Long before they become aches and pains our body is sending us ever increasing messages!

But we seem to ignore them, never realizing that they are meant to tell us something.

In fact, do an exercise with me right now!

Close your eyes and take in a deep breath, relax the muscles in your shoulders and neck and arms. Then relax the muscles in your eyes and your mouth.

Doesn't that feel amazing?

Before you did that were you even aware that they were tight? How much better to tune into tight muscles before the become headaches and backaches!

Tune into what your body is doing in order to know how you are doing!

by tuning in and being aware of your body you can bring it into a state that would benefit you and the situation you find yourself in.

Everything is a clue, you just have to be open to seeing it.

Your habitual words, and thoughts and the feelings in your body are an honest reflection of who you are, how your have built your experiences in the past and are how you will continue to build your experiences in the future.

Becoming aware is key to finding what is holding you back and the solution to what you can do about it.

How you can take this home:

This week keep a journal and write down all the different words you use, thoughts you have and how your body feels.

Look for patterns that show you things that may have been hidden until now.

Which are the words yo use most often?

Which thoughts are on repeat?

Where in your body do you carry your emotions most days?

After the week is done and you have found your patterns you now have the clarity you need to pin point where you need to make changes and what patterns you have created to stop you from moving forward.

If you found words that don't help, you can replace them.

If you find thoughts that hold you back, you can change them.

If you need to take time to take care of your body, you can enjoy that.

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